Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fino Charlotte Street Fitzrovia

Mr Oil and Mr Vinegar have been with friends to the fine tapas restaurant Fino, in Charlotte Street – except that it’s not in Charlotte Street.

MrV: The address said Charlotte Street.
MrO: But all the information about it points out that the entrance is in Rathbone Place. And it’s easily visible from Charlotte Street.
MrV: I’m just saying. It’s inaccurate.
MrO: Well we got there without any problem, didn’t we? Get over it.
MrV: Beastly American schoolgirl phrase: "Get over it." Next you’ll be saying "Whatever".
MrO: Your absurd pedantry nearly ruined the evening for the rest of us.
MrV: Whatever.
MrO: Anyway, I thought the food was truly exceptional. I noticed that you ate more than anyone, elbowing the children out of the way to get at the tapas plates.
MrV: Food like that is wasted on children.
MrO: So you liked it.
MrV: Yes. Alright. I liked it. Satisfied?
MrO: What did you like best?
MrV: You are such a bore, wanting to pick everything apart and examine it afterwards, like a German on the lavatory. But if I must, I would say that the salt cod croquetas and the marinated grilled quails were quite exceptional.
MrO: They were, they were. And those tiny little whole squid, deep-fried. And the lomo Iberico acorn-fed ham. And the milk fed lamb cutlets – the boy liked them a lot. He had three.
MrV: Greedy pig. Did you see him scoff three whole doughnuts and ice cream at the end? Astonishing.
MrO: The girl seemed to like the giant prawn and the ham croquetas quite a bit. The children were well behaved.
MrV: Probably because it was too noisy in there for them to make an impact.
MrO: That would have suited you perfectly, then. They could be seen but not heard.
MrV: What about the woman?
MrO: She appeared to enjoy all the food. And the wine. She was drinking some white by the glass. It’s not expensive by the glass.
MrV: It is by the bottle. At least, that stuff we were drinking was not cheap.
MrO: The Alion tempranillo 2005. No, at £129 a bottle it wasn’t cheap – but it wasn’t an outrageous mark-up, either. Not much more than twice retail. Quite reasonable value for a restaurant. It is an excellent wine, too.
MrV: Yes it was. That’s something the Spanish have learned to do – at last. Do Spaniards run that place?
MrO: It is run by the two Harts. I think they are half Spanish.
MrV: The two Harts? From that frightful 1970s television programme? I thought they were actors – and not very good ones at that.
MrO: Not Hart to Hart. Sam and Eddie Hart. They also own Quo Vadis and Barrafino and their mother and father Stefa and Tim own Hambleton Hall in Rutland.
MrV: You’re not going to suggest we visit Rutland, are you? I’ve just been dragged to Beaulieu for some frozen fish and chips at your instigation and I’m not in the mood for another Great Trek.
MrO: Not just yet, but you never know...

Mr Oil, Mr Vinegar, the woman, the girl and the boy ate pan con tomate, chorizo and potato chips, crab croquetas, ham croquetas, deep-fried baby squid, lomo Iberico, marinated grilled quail, milk-fed lamb cutlets, salt cod croquetas, king prawns and two puddings, washed down with one glass of sherry, one vodka and tonic, two glasses of white wine, two glasses of rioja, two Pussy Foot non-alcoholic cocktails, one bottle of Alion 2005 and two cups of coffee at a total cost of approximately £380.

Fino, 33 Charlotte Street (entrance on Rathbone Street) London W1T 1RR
Tel: +44 (0) 207 813 8010

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